
Friday, November 12, 2010

November 2010 Release Week: Winners

Hey hey! It's Day 5 of Release Week. I have some bonus samples to show you...but unfortunately my computer has been holding them hostage! But, a successful recon mission has rescued them, and I will share them very soon. In the meantime. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your support and enthusiasm. The crafting community is really the best community of people, and I am so thrilled to be a part of it.

Winners for Days 1-4 have been posted here. Be sure to see if it's you, if you have not already.

And, because "Season of Giving" is upon us, and I am feeling very generous, I wanted to pick one more random winner from all comments to win the entire November release.

And the lucky winner is:

Christina who said:
What a great, timeless set! I love the fonts, too! I can't wait to try that Copic blender pen + ink technique. Thanks for the lesson!

Congratulations Christina! Contact me at with your address so I can get it into the mail for you!

Thanks again for joining us this month. I hope to continue bringing you new sets every month. I would love to grow and eventually offer a wider range of products. So if you love Wplus9, please spread the word.


  1. I love Wplus9 stamps and designs! Is there any other way that we can promote them besides the gadget on our blog, flickr and links in our posts? Something I might be missing?

  2. Congratulations Christina!!!
    I don't know if it is my computer but it is not letting me get to the winner's page.
