
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Help Us Choose

We've got a lot going on here in the studio. Finalizing designs, testing product, preparing for the October Release...decisions, decisions, decisions.

Well we can be quite the indecisive bunch sometimes, so we thought it would be fun to get your opinion! So will you help us?

We are trying to finalize the lids for our inks. And...we have narrowed it down to these two. We are torn, completely torn. So what do you think? Design A or B?

We'd love to hear which one you'd choose! And thanks for your input!


  1. I like B! INKS??? Dawn, how fabulous!!! I'm so excited for you.

  2. The B one shouts out Wplus9 design studio the A it gets lost in! :>

  3. I agree - I like the "B" design. How exciting!!

  4. Inks? How exciting. I like design A - it's a little more edgy.

  5. Personally, I like design A. And I really like that "made in the USA" is so clear. But for retail, would design B hold its own better? The wording on B pops a bit more. I don't think I'm helping. :)

  6. Your name is very identifiable and focal on B if that's your goal, go wtih B. If you want people to "think ink" got with A.

  7. I have to fall in the B camp although A is nice too! I like how B clearly shouts your name and looks great too!

  8. I love the crisp, clean look of Design B.

    I had no idea you were working on Pigment inks. Soooo excited!!!

  9. First, yay ink! I really, really like the graphic punch of A, but your branding is better on B, so if you want easy brand identity, B is the better choice. But, A is the more eye-catching design. This probably didn't help your decision making.

  10. I like B because it clearly shows the brand of ink. Anything you create just has to be fabulous!

  11. I really like the design of A, but I like how your logo is so prominent on B! Maybe combine the two? Design A with a more visible logo? :-)

  12. Definitely "B"! Dawn, I am beyond thrilled to hear this news!!!!! Yay for Wplus9!!!

  13. I like B - because it really showcase the brand of the ink from Wplus9.

  14. Oh, this just makes me sooooo happy!!!! How awesome, Dawn!

    I love "B" too! I love that it has your full logo on it!!!!

  15. A is more pleasing to the creative eye (has a little character)...B has a much cleaner logo look to it! I like them both...sorry, that isn't much help, is it?! :)

  16. "B" -- goes with your cleaner and simpler approach. Bet the ink rocks!

  17. I definitely like "B" the best!

  18. I agree with what others are saying. Choose design A if you want eye-catching and design B if you want to emphasize branding. However, I do think the "made in the USA" notation is a hugh selling point (at least for me). Is there any way to incorporate that into design B?

  19. Well...
    I'm not really going to be any help...
    I like them both...
    but since there's already a crowd here and don't want to be a party pooper...
    let's chose B!! : )
    But let me just say that in my infinite wisdom...
    because well...
    I'm really smart like that...
    ink pads mean colors.
    If you're going to have colored inks then you're going to have colored cardstock...
    Can I give a HUGE Sounthern holler of WHOO-HOO!!!!
    Lovin' it!!! :)

  20. I like B! Can't wait to hear more about your inks!!

  21. "B" because your brand is more prominent but I like the edgyness of the "A" design. Maybe if you brought something to the banner on design "B" like those background accents ih the So 80's stamp set it will give it some edge. I am so excited that you are releasing ink. I have yet to commit to big ink pads. One of the big reasons is because I can't make up my mind if I want dye ink or pigment ink...everyone seems to use dye ink but I really like how a lot of my stamping turns out with pigment ink. I will be trying your ink out for sure.

  22. Design B!!! Because Wplus9 is bigger :D And it's less "messy" than Design A.

  23. I like B because of your company logo.

  24. "B" has Wplus9 logo on it!!Awesome!
    YAY!!! Wplus9 inks can't wait to try it out!!!

  25. I really like design B! So excited:)

  26. Design B. I like the focus on the company name.

  27. I can understand why you are torn between the two designs; each has its own pros and cons. Based on what I've seen of your company - and I haven't been around long to see much - I'd go with design B. The prominence of your well-designed logo stands out and tells people of the brand behind the ink. What a great addition to your product line.

  28. I know I'm not going to be any help as I love the stylish look of A but know B might be more recognizable. Love the idea of ink though. Can't wait for the release!

  29. A all the way! It's distinctive and classy - just like Wplus9. B is Just too predictable. Now I would up the font size just a bit on your name on design A.

  30. Inks?! Huray!!! I would pick the `B` design.

  31. How exciting. I prefer the B design. I like how your company name is highlighted as well as your logo. I think it's better for your brand image.

  32. I agree with the others - B, because it has the full logo on it! How exciting!!

  33. I like Design B...your logo is big and clear.

  34. While A is fun....I think B is the best bet!

  35. A all the way.

    While it seems "edgy" because of the balance and logo bleed, it's really a more mature design. As a bonus, it won't feel dated in 3 years when the shine has worn off that double-banner trend. (And you'll want to fix the kerning if you do go with A. It looks like you've already done B.)

    1. And I think B would be better if it were at your signature angle, larger, and with one end of the banner over the edge.

    2. I so agree with Sarah here too! I think A would be perfect if your signature WPlus9 could be included in it ... but B just feels predictable and 'safe' the way it is now. YAY on ink!! Looking forward to seeing more!

  36. I have to say B because your logo and name stand out and is distinctive. I love the little 'plops' on A but your logo won me over.

  37. B - It just looks more "professional" and more Wplus9-ish.
    Hugs, Karin

  38. Another vote for B and yay for WPlus9 inks!

  39. I like B. I think it is a cleaner look.

  40. I like the design of A, but you have a logo and I really think you should use your logo on your product so my vote is for B.

  41. Another vote for B because the brand name is prominent. I am so excited about your new inks.

  42. I vote for Design B. WPlus9 is kind of lost on Design A, but is very prominent on Design B.

  43. I am of no help! I am completely torn as well! However, my 4 year old son immediately picked A bc the ink splotch looks like blood to him! lol HTH ;o)

  44. INK! How wonderful! I can't wait - if its from you, I know I will love it! So, even though design B has the company name front and center, I think design A is fun, edgy and totally you! Congratulations, Dawn, this is such great news!

  45. Design B looks more professional and is my personal choice.

  46. I like design A best but your logo needs to be added to the lid.

  47. B
    I like it because its a cleaner design.

  48. Design B!!! By leaps & bounds! It's easy to read. It has more visual appeal as well.

    Suzanne from S. Florida

  49. B shows off your name better, but I'm drawn towards A.

  50. I like design B better. I like seeing the Wplus9 insignia displayed on the front of the case and I also like the bold presentation of Pure Color in the banner. The overall case design of B catches my eye better than A.

  51. I prefer the design of the first one, but the second one is more recognizable as WPlus9, and in the end that might be more important!

  52. Design B is my favorite!
    Congratulations on introducing ink pads soon!
    Greetings from The Netherlands, Europe,

  53. The B one Wplus9!

  54. I love the edgy design of A (especially the ink splotch!). But also love your logo on design B. I know...I'm no help at all!
    How fun that you're asking for our input :)

  55. B, it is classic, clean and simple. The first one leaves me wondering what those blobs are (yes I know they are ik splotches)...yes first one more trendy, however changing the design after the trendiness wears off may be costly and will create an inconsistent look of your product line over a period of time.

  56. B,B,B,B !!!!! I think most of us have gone for ink lid design B,for me it was the one that I felt looked clean and professional. So nice of you to ask us, it's refreshing to feel like our opinion counts.

  57. So excited to hear about your upcoming ink!!! I like design B!

  58. Give me a B! Love it.

  59. Everyone in my house voted for B! Can't wait to try out the new inks and see what other surprises you have in store for us!

    Chris L.

  60. OH EM GEE!! This is so exciting!! I vote for B!

  61. I vote for B. "A" detracts too much from what's important... the brand/your name.

  62. I like the B choice. I can see that it is from your company easily, and I love the banner also.

  63. B is "cute" but I'm afraid the banner might go out of style. A is so timeless. Also I think you are letting the ink speak for itself and I love made in the USA.

  64. I think B shows who it comes from better. The company name stands out more. :)

  65. I definitely think "B" - the ink name and your brand name stand out so much better. "A" is good but you don't know where to look/read first - your eye is drawn to the graphic but that does not define your product.

  66. B hands down. The design is crisp, clean, memorable (which is what all good advertising strives to be), and the banner will not go out of style: it hasn't in several thousand years so why worry about it now?

  67. I like them both, but I think I like Design B the best :) How exciting that you're coming out with inks!

  68. YAY!!! Design B gets my vote! :) Can't wait...

  69. I like 'B' with "Pure Color" in the banner. :)

  70. I think B is the best! So excited for this!!

  71. Definitely B. Branding is important and I had to search for it on design A.

  72. I like A, but I think I am going to be outnumbered LOL!

  73. inks????!!! yay!!! I cant wait!!!
    as far as design...well thats a hard one...i like "B" because the company logo stands out, its nice and clean, but then again I really like "A" too because of it's edginess and spunk!
    how about a combo! well i guess i'm not much help :) :) either way Dawn I look forward to purchasing more of your amazing products!

  74. Love both, but B probably speaks to me a bit more. Congrats with the new addition to the W+9 stable.

  75. I like B! They're both great, but I think B really works too perfectly with your logos!

  76. I'd say B, just because it is more similar to your logo, so that people can quickly make the connection when seeing them that they are Wplus9 products =)

  77. I would have to say B, its more fun and modern looking and it goes along with your logo and badge better then the other one!

  78. B is the cleaner of the 2 and the brand name is more noticeable but I think A would stand out more on shelves in stores as the different design with the off the edge circles draws the eye in first. So I would say it depends on what you're trying to do with them.

  79. Oh, this is exciting. I'm counting down the days to your next release :)
    B gets my vote!

  80. I like both designs, but I think A is more cutting edge. I know B says your name better, but I think A says design better.

  81. oh defintely B as your logo is on it :) x

  82. "B" is the one that I like the best.

  83. Totally lovin' the B design - banners are all the rage, and the design looks so CURRENT and eye-catching! Excited to hear the news of your new ink pads.

  84. Hi
    I loooove the B
    It give a better impact for the eyes
    Really good design

  85. I like B - it has a clean design and is less busy than A

  86. Definitely design B, since your brand logo stands out and it just looks more polished.

  87. Design B stands out. However, I noticed the Made in the USA isn't on design B and that is kind of cool that it is made here!

  88. i hope you will choose B, it is a great design, my eyes were immediately catched by the clearly design!

  89. B. Logo is bigger, product name is bigger too. Don't hide your identity! You've earned your reputation, now flaunt it!

  90. A lot of work in counting all these votes, hi hi! But I do think I see more B's and that would definitely be my choice as well, love the graphics there and it also shows your company name better and that's something to be proud of as well!!
    Hugs, Wendy

  91. Oh fun little game :)...I choose B! Very clear and professional!

  92. B! :-)

    I can't wait to try out the new inks!

  93. I love A!!!! It's original and really eye-catching! B seems more staid/traditional (read: boring!).

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. the design on B is like a main TV station in Australia. So when I look at B all I think about is TV, not ink. I like the A ☺

    have a look here

  96. I really like "B" because right away I can tell it is your product!

  97. Design B jumped out at me the most. They are both great though!

  98. I love A. It's so new and trendy. B is too "predictable".

  99. B is predictable -- I gotta go with A! But either way, I am jumping up and down with joy to hear about Wplus9 ink!

  100. I prefer A, but the company name is not visible enough. While B is cleaner and more visibly Wplus9, that double ended banner is a little too trendy to work over the long haul...

  101. B - I might be too late to vote though!

  102. I like B MUCH better, neater, more symmetrical, I am big on symmetry. PSYCHED to hear you are getting INKS - YEAH!

  103. Love the clean, modern look of B. (Matches your "style" of stamps, if you ask me.) But I'll buy them, either way!

  104. I like B better. It showcases your name MUCH more prominently.

  105. Oooh fun. I'll play!

    I like both, too. B is definitely the "safer" route. I like A, except for the fact that the brand/logo is not as distinct or apparent.

    Looks like majority like B though... Either way, I'm buying me some ink! Lol

  106. B gets my VOTE!! =) THANKS for sharing!! How EXCITING!! Have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

  107. I like A...but make the company name bigger.

  108. B hands down. Appeals more to my balanced nature.

  109. I personally like A better, but B better showcases your name.

  110. I would vote B. You recognize the company name immediately and the Pure Color brand with the type of ink pad marked clearly underneath. I think it stand out better overall.

  111. "A" looks more arresting so it warrants a second look (or a third, so on..) so my vote's for it (but maybe you can make the other fonts bigger, too, so the company name stands out more..?)
