Often, I receive some very helpful feedback via the Contact Us form at the Wplus9 website. Admittedly, although rarely, some are written without the best intentions. (some people can be quite harsh) Ego aside, these are the ones that I can usually pull the best issues from. Go figure?! You see, most people are usually brutally honest when they are ticked and can voice their opinion anonymously by using a fake email address. And, it can actually be quite helpful. Now, that isn't an open invitation for everyone to start hate spamming me! Please, I'd much rather have a nice "hey, this bugs me" with a real email address so I can follow up with you and let you know if and when I can resolve your issue. LOL But, this does present me with the perfect opportunity to be proactive and request from you all, your open and honest feedback.
I have recently made some small adjustments to the website for my IE8 browser users to fix the main navigation. On a side note: Boy, do I wish all web browsers would render HTML consistently! Now that is a whole other post that I could rant on and on about forever...so I will leave that be for now. LOL
If you have shopped at the Studio, www.wplus9.com, and have any feedback or suggestions, I'd love it if you would share it with me. You can leave it here, or use the Contact Us form on the website. Even if you have not shopped with us, please feel free to visit the site and share your experience with us. For "bugs", don't forget to include what browser (IE7, IE8, Firefox, etc.) you are viewing the site in. Please note though, the website does not support IE6 though. The site should still function properly, but the display will certainly be "off" to say the least. On another side note: if you are still using IE6, if you can, make designer's lives easier and please, please, please consider upgrading to a current browser. It's free and you'll wish you did it sooner. ;o)
Thanks guys and I will be getting the On Cue up soon, I took the weekend off to celebrate my son's 10th birthday!